Recently, a group of young people from seventh grade at Vejlefjordskolen in Daugård visited Anker Andersen A/S in connection with the HOP-IN project (Hands on Production – Innovation New Ideas), where the aim is to connect learning at school with subsequent working life.
The students were given an introduction to our company and a tour of the production, where they could experience the speed of our HLZ® system, which can register and sort more than 300 used beverage containers per minute.
In addition, they spoke to various employees and discovered that there are many different job functions in a manufacturing company – you can be an electrician, a metalworker, an engineer, a software developer or have a degree in economics or languages.
Thank you for the visit - we were happy to be part of this project focusing on the next generation, which is our prime resource, and hopefully helping them to choose the right track when it comes to education.